Showing games tagged with strategy
- Shuyaku Sentai Irem Fighter
- Worms: Open Warfare 2
- Empire!
- Worms: The Director's Cut
- Starfleet Orion
- Invasion Orion
- Theatre of War
- Godzilla: Kaijuu no Daishingeki
- Gensō Suikoden Card Stories
- Fort McMoney
- Bomberman
- Star Trek: Conquest
- Worms: A Space Oddity
- Bomberman Wars
- Diner Dash: Hometown Hero
- Dark Sceptre
- Yu-Gi-Og! GX Tag Force 2
- P.T.O. IV
- Star Trek Generations: {{nowrap|Beyond the Nexus
- Archipelagos
- ''Avalon Hill's Squad Leader''
- Might and Magic: Heroes Kingdoms
- Wedding Dash
- Annals of Rome
- Bomberman Party Edition